Affiliate Registration

Thank you for your interest in our Affiliate program.

We created this affiliate program to help spread brand and product awareness. We want our customers to have the opportunity to share their favorite purchased products with their friends, family, pages, groups and more all while earning a little kick back for their efforts. We know the power of word of mouth and we both know our products are awesome.

What you will get from joining:
1) You will get a special URL to advertise with, this URL will put a cookie on anyone’s device that clicks it. The cookie lasts for 30 days on the clicked device so if they return from the day they click until 30 days later, you will get credit for the sale, even if they do not use your link or code the returning time.
2) You will get a unique discount code to promote with. This code will give the person using it 10% off their order. This code is good for anything we sell on our website.
3) When someone uses your link or discount code. You will earn 10% of the sale, excluding taxes and shipping.
4) You will have access to our Affiliate Dashboard where you can track sales, request payouts, marketing material and more.
5) You will get paid through PayPal at $20+ in earnings by request.

Requirements to qualify:
– Must be in the USA.
– Must have a PayPal account (to get paid).
– Cannot be affiliated with a competing business / company. If you have questions, please reach out and we are happy to answer them.

*** Sponsorship / Affiliation with another competing company will void your sponsorship with Big Bear Laser without notice.

Last updated 9/9/2024 – Affiliate program is subject to change without notice as we go. This is currently in beginning stages as we work with our new affiliates.